Contact information
Head office
Desjardins Trust
25th Floor, South Tower
1, Complexe Desjardins
Montreal, Quebec H5B 1B2
Contact us by mail
Other requests
For requests or inquiries about your registered savings plans (TFSA, RRSP, FHSA or RESP), account statements, investment products, loans, mortgage, or updating your personal information or address, we’re here to support you.
Trust administration and asset custody services for institutional clients.
Support solutions to ensure wealth is protected and passed on from generation to generation in the event of incapacity or death. Services offered include trust administration, estate liquidation and administering the assets of a represented person.
27th Floor, East Tower
2, Complexe Desjardins
PO Box 34 STN Desjardins
Montreal, Quebec H5B 1E4
514-286-3180 This link will launch your default phone software.
1-877-286-3180 This link will launch your default phone software.
Specialized trust services for businesses, such as group plans, including co-op programs, trust deeds, environmental trusts, prearranged funeral services and more.